Ok, Michael Phelps is finally home! He squeezed into one of his teeny tiny super low speedos and had a swim work out for the first time since forever. Michael Phelps splashed down in the water this week for the first time since the Beijing Olympics – and says: "It was painful."
At his hometown pool in Baltimore, the super sexy swimming champ, age 23, unveiled a new series of Kellogg's cereal boxes Thursday morning and admitted, "I'm a little out of shape. But I will be able to get back. I am going to start working out more." I, for one, would love to see Michael Phelps with a kissable tummy pudge. I will look for pictures and post anything I can find.
Michael Phelps the tiger, is now sharing box fronts with Tony the Tiger. He was also presented a $250,000 check from the Kellogg company for his newly formed Michael Phelps Foundation, a charity aimed at promoting youth swimming.
From what I understand, this foundation remains Michael Phelps's number one focus until he begins training in 2009 for the 2012 Olympics. In a testament to his commitment to the Michael Phelps foundation he says "I think the little guys, the kids in the world, are going to be me in 10 years or so," he says. "So I'm just trying to promote a happy, healthy lifestyle." So sweet. While the Michael Phelps Foundation is important and admirable it’s not really very interesting. What are interesting are Michael’s comments on his love life.
And of course, what is really interesting are any hints that Michael Phelps might be GAY along with our more sordid interest in seeing "michael phelps naked". While he wouldn't talk about his dating life, Phelps lit up when asked about Herman – his English bulldog – who lived with friends over the summer. "I'm going to see him today," Phelps gushed. Ok, Ok, gushing over your dog is so diversionary that it is silly. We have all at one time of another been devoted to a pet but really……… Me thinks if Michael was so devoted to Herman he would have visited once or twice over the past month. Clearly his nonsense gushing is to divert attention from his actual love life.
Does anyone agree with me?
Admittedly shy by nature, Michael Phelps said his fame has been a constant surprise. According to People Magazine he went on to say "It’s different. It's fun. I'm enjoying the ride." Kinda like being on a rocket ship ride I would think!
People Magazine went on to ask Michael Phelps about all of the female attention he has been receiving since the Beijing Olympics. And guess what he said???????? You won’t believe what he said. I don’t believe what he said and I’m pretty sure that even Michael Phelps doesn’t believe what he said. He said……are you ready? He said "I don’t really notice it. When I go out, go to dinner, I go out with friends, and we stay to ourselves. I don’t think of myself as a sex symbol. My mom is by far the most important woman in my life."
Holy Michael Phelps must be gay, Batman!! First things first, how can Michael Phelps not notice the attention he is getting? How can he not notice that pictures of Michael Phelps nearly naked are everywhere. There can’t be another person on the face of the plant that appears in the news daily wearing such a skimpy, barely covering his noodle speedo. No man ever forgets his noodle so we all know that Michael Phelps knows that whole world has seen him almost naked.
Second thing, Michael Phelps spoke gay. According to beloved Michael, Debbie Phelps is the most important woman in his life! That is adorable and everything, but it is sooooooo GAY. Only a gay man would say that his mother was the most important woman in his life. And Gay ol’ Michael Phelps said his mother was BY FAR the most important woman in his life. Gay ditty Gay Gay! So Michael Phelps didn’t actually say he was gay, but he did the next best thing by engaging in undeniable gayspeak, we conjecture wishfully.
Am I the only one to come to this conclusion about Michael Phelps?
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